The Word for Today

Believe in your heart and say with your mouth that this day the will of God is done in my life. Walk in a manner worthy of the Lord; fully pleasing Him. Make your thoughts agreeable to His will, & God will make sure your plans are established and succeed. Firmly grasp the will of God, He will never let go. Have a bless and prosperous day! Rejoice! Impossibilities are becoming realities, for I am linked up with God by divine birth. For with God nothing shall be impossible. (Luke 1:37) I am an imitator of God. (Eph. 5:1) I am blessed. (2 Cor. 1:20)


In this life if there is no asking, seeking & or knocking, there will be no giving, finding and or openings. God teaches emphatically the necessity of being an initiator. You must initiate your own blessings. If you don’t initiate it nothing significant will ever occur in your life. It is totally up to you to make the first move, the blessing will come. I seek first the expansion if God’s kingdom worldwide, & all these things shall be added unto me. (Matt. 6:33) I laugh at the day’s to come. I fill my future with laughter. ( Prov. 31:25)  Have a Bless & Prosperous day, Rejoice


Within your heart are your successes, remember to bring them forth, remember to celebrate them. Remember we teach others how to treat us we deserve the best. Remember who’s our heavenly Father is. Keep your heart and mind in balance. Awesome King and Queens of God have a bless & prosperous day!! Rejoice! God Almighty, You bless me and make me fruitful and increase my numbers until I become a community of people. (Gen.28:3)


According to 3 John 2, it is God’s will that we prosper in every way & that our body keeps well, even as our soul keeps well & prosper. In His Name let your light so shine before all men/women that they may see your good works glorifying You, my heavenly Father. Praise the Lord! Have a Bless & prosperous day!!! Rejoice!  The righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. (Rom. 3:22) Blessed is the Lord, who daily loads me with benefits. (Ps. 68:19a KJV)


comprehension so we are well preserved from the snares of the evil one. Exalt Gods Word, hold it in high esteem and give it first place in your life! He loves you! Have a blessed day in the Lord! Rejoice! O Lord, You bless me for I have received the righteousness of Christ and You have surrounded me with favor as with a shield. (Ps. 5:12) You love me, Lord; You bless me and increase me. (Deut. 7:13)


In what are you investing your hearts’s focus anger,sadness, grief, fear, or the promising investments of Joy,Love,freedom, prosperity. Let our Focus always be on the positive and all good things shall be added in our life’s. We have the power, its within us. We are powerful. Remember the law of attraction.


Never give up. :Knowing God loves us in spite of what has occurred in our lives, obedient, choosing to do his will, loving him-laying our wills and lives down to him, constantly renewing your mind, walking by faith, not feelings. (Proverbs 28:26) Psalm 37:5